
No longer in full-time employment? You can still be a union activist.

Vintage Reds gives unionists who have retired from full-time employment a place to be involved in campaigning using the skills acquired over a lifetime. Vintage Reds members aim to play an important role in supporting campaigns for worker’s rights, decent options for retirees, and the union movement more broadly.

Vintage Reds are affiliated with UnionsACT, and through them, UnionsNSW and the ACTU, but are not aligned with any political party.

The group was officially launched by ACTU President Ged Kearney at the Unions ACT offices on 15 February 2014.

Vintage Reds meet on the 3rd Tuesday of the month (except January and December) at the Quality Hotel, next to the Dickson Tradies’ Club, at 11.00 am. There is no charge; but there is a tin box for a gold coin donation.

All retired trade union members who consider Australian unions to be an important part of our democratic process are encouraged to join the Vintage Reds!

Contact us: vintagereds.canberra@gmail.com